We're treated to a "Curtis at the Barbershop" sketch here, without the usual frills. There aren't any pictures of stars with thumbs over faces, no off-camera witty repartee with other barbers and customers and loiterers, no messing up Curtis's name, no lines from Curtis himself, and nothing that appears like a joke. All we have is a mini-rant (dude, Gunther, there wasn't much gossip about stars' religion back in the day because they were assumed Christians; that's why Jewish celebrities changed their names) in comic-form, colorful drawings to distract from the fact that this would be much more appropriate for someone's painstakingly written memoirs that got circular-filed at the local publisher.
Curtis vacant expression in panel four is almost exchanging glances with us, as if he agrees with the question: This is all we get?

Marmaduke is a gay atheist.

I know he's supposed to be a lovable curmudgeon, I know he's supposed to be mean, but... did he really just make a "You're too ugly to be raped" joke? Or am I not getting it? Because that seems a little too mean, even for the 'Shaft.
Did this already cause a comics blog-troversy and I just missed it?
1 comment:
Did this already cause a comics blog-troversy and I just missed it?
Yes. Yes, it did.
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