Niki and Rex are going on some

But I totally missed the young Dr. Cameron on Vera action in Mary Worth. Balls!
I don't know what happened, but, whatever it was, Vera looks pissed. As much as Mary wants to exercise her Powers of Meddling to keep the two together, it's looking like the sheer power of Vera gaze could stop Drew heart.
Unless that's all part of Mary master plan: get the young, unbalanced career woman in desperate need of love and stability hooked up with her boyfriend's son, a guy whom Mary knows is a *cough* *cough* slut *cough* *cough*, resulting in him dying and Mary having one less family member with whom to compete for the good doctor's time. Sinister, passive-aggressive, horrifyingly selfish, and murderous, so I'm thinking it fits Mary's MO.
Seriously, though, I haven't read this comic in two months, but I'm guessing Drew cheated on Vera with Horsey Girl. Am I correct?

The sexy, sexy, sexiness here I'm referring to isn't the Tommie shoulder in panel two (gawd, she's even boring when she's naked), nor is it Margo's bathrobe and ponytail look. Those would be enough on a normal day, but today....
Well, I misinterpreted Margo in panel three the first time I read it. Here in France, like much of Europe, the showers don't have heads that are fixed on the wall; rather, they're hanging on a hook and have a hose that you have to hold in one hand and spray on yourself. So when Margo says "Aim lower", I'm thinking she's referring to something quite different....
I like my explanation better, because there's no real point in telling Tommie Thompson to look dowdy. I mean, it's like telling a fish to swim....
That's not Tommie. That's Ruby, LuAnn's cousin from Texas.
Good to see you back.
And yes, the cheating was with Horsely Girl (a/k/a Dawn).
I'm sorry I know this.
Welcome back!
Actually, the cheating was the other way around. Drew was with Dawn first, then discovered Vera and preferred her. If he'd simply dumped Dawn there wouldn't have been much of a story, so he decided on two-timing instead. Then one day Dawn came to the stable, saw Drew riding with Vera and made a scene. As a result, Drew went from two girlfriends to zero.
I say the three of them should move to Utah.
Tommie could never get away with calling Margo "Maggie." She's lucky she still has that Texas-claw hand reaching 'round the door.
"She" being Ruby.
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