Man, even right after his funeral, people still can't remember his name.
Oh, and I forgot to laugh; HAHAHA, taxes are so bad that people die to escape them! Oh wait, no, that's not right. How about: HAHAHA, some people hate taxes so much you'd think they'd rather die! No, no, no, it's more like: HAHAHA, it's crazy how people try to find the silver lining in even the darkest of clouds!
Or I just don't get it. Maybe the rest of the sentence is just a red herring, and the joke is that the guy's name is spelled "Fropp" but rhymes with "poop".
It has to do with the old expression "Only two things are constant: death and taxes."
The joke's on Fropp/Froop, though. When you die, everything you own gets hit with estate taxes!
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