Well, this comic isn't directed at queers at all. I think it's one of the few comics out there specifically created for het-folk to scare them into voting GOP/anti-gay/anti-trans. But I did want to include it here because I know that there are lots of progressively-minded hets who read this site who might not be aware of just how crazy the Religious Right really is.
This comic was created by the Traditional Values Coalition, one of the largest anti-gay, anti-abortion, anti-everything groups out there to rally folks against the ENDA (Employment NonDiscrimination Act), of course, with lies and epithets. Besides the facts that the ENDA doesn't require new bathrooms to be made and doesn't even apply to small businesses, it's really a piece of legislation with a good intent - to stop large businesses from firing gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgender people for no reason but their sexuality or gender.
But this comic makes it so obvious that their lobbying has nothing to do with values and everything to do with hate and fear.
So whenever you hear someone on TV talking about the "homosexual agenda" and the "vast homosexual conspiracy", remember that they also draw stupid comics like this one and think that it makes them morally superior.
So homophobes go to the bathroom in tiny closets? That figures.
Since when is "cross dressing" and "drag queen" a gender? Man, these people are morons.
heh. they can't even get the mocking of inclusivity right... "other" is still an option? please...
I would totally support ENDA if it meant I could send my kid to a daycare staffed with drag queens!
have you ever actually been to their site? As a heterosexual Christian, I almost cried at the hatred and bigotry. They also didn't have an option to reply to the article, probably to limit angry responses... It's biased people like that that make true Christians look bad.
As a woman of transexual experience, I want to know how they got that photo of me!
Oh, wait. I didn't have my glasses on. That doesn't look like me at al.
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