Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Sally Forth

Things Ted can do now that he's unemployed:
  1. Cartoon porn
  2. Cartoon S&M porn
  3. Cartoon soft core porn
  4. Cartoon fake voyeur porn
  5. Cartoon fake "straight boys seduced" porn
  6. Cartoon barebacking porn (what? There aren't STD's in cartoons!)
Any other ideas?


Lazy Media said...

Correction: There aren't STDs in cartoons other than Funky Winkerbean. If there's a disease, FW's got it.

Sam said...

Play with his 'severance package'?

Alex said...

lol. I'm totally waiting for the

Alex said...

gonorrhea subplot of FW. Darin could get it and have to explain it to that one girl who threw up on him. Maybe it'll be the clue that'll lead him to his birth-mother!